Australian Consulate-General
Chengdu, China

Opening Remarks at “Odyssey: an Australian photographer in China”, Chongqing (12 September 2018)为“行者:澳大利亚 摄影 先驱 中国回顾展”揭幕致辞,重庆, 2018年9月12日

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.


It’s my pleasure to welcome you to the Changjiang Museum of Contemporary Art this afternoon for the launch of “Odyssey: an Australian photographer in China”.

我很高兴 在此欢迎大家来到重庆长江当代美术馆,为“行者:澳大利亚摄影先驱中国回顾展”揭幕。


Australia’s connections to southwest China have a history of more than 120 years.

澳大利亚 与 中国西南地区的联系已有120多年 的 历史。

When George Morrison, the Australian journalist, traveller and political advisor, visited the remote south-western provinces of China in 1894, his subsequent book, An Australian in China, introduced a generation of Australians to this region.

澳大利亚 记者、旅行家、政治顾问乔治·莫里森于1894年进入当时偏远的西南地区,他随后出版的  «一个澳大利亚人在中国»一书向该地区介绍了一代澳大利亚人。


The photographs from his travels, including of Chongqing, are particularly evocative. Many of them have been reproduced in this exhibition for the first time,  



They showcase the beauty of this region's diverse landscapes, and the links between local people and their country.

他的照片展示了西南地区丰富多样的美丽景观,以及当地人民与国家之间的 联系。

He opened our eyes to the commonalities and contrasts between people and places in our two great countries.

他 打开了我们的视野,去探讨中澳两个伟大国家人民和地区之间的共性和对比。


Morrison is just one of the great photographers featured in this exhibition, which charts the experiences of Australian travellers to this region from the past and the present.



You will also find images captured by Australian geologist, Robert Logan Jack, who, in 1900, set off on foot from Chongqing to Chengdu, a journey of 12 days. He later walked overland from Sichuan, through Yunnan and over the border to Myanmar.


In early 2018, another Australian, photographer Anthony Anderton, retraced Jack’s original route, providing a contemporary window on many of the places Jack visited over 100 years ago - including Chongqing, Zoumazhen, Jianyang, Shiqiaozhen and Chengdu.

2018年初,另一位 澳大利亚摄影师安东尼•安德森回顾了杰克当初路线,以 当代的视角开启了 一扇窗,探寻100多年前杰克的足迹,包括重庆,走马镇,简阳,石桥镇和成都。


Each of the photographers in this exhibition fostered strong connections with the peoples and cultures of southwest China, and have helped explain the continuity and changes that have taken place here to successive generations of Australians.

本次展览中的每位摄影师都与中国西南地区的人民和文化建立了深厚 的联系,帮助几代澳大利亚人认识和理解这个地区的延续和变化。


Their efforts remind us all what can be gained from working together, a spirit which underpins our growing economic and people-to-people ties.

他们的努力提醒着我们所有人, 携手合作的收获,正是这种精神支撑着我们日益增长的经济纽带和人民情谊。


I would like to congratulate Catherine Croll for this outstanding exhibition, which I know has been the result of her vision and much hard work by her and her partners at the Changjiang Museum of Contemporary Art.

我要祝贺凯瑟琳·克罗尔组织这样出色的展览,我知道这是她的愿景, 也是她和她的合作伙伴,长江当代美术馆,辛勤工作的 结果。


I thank them for their efforts, which have created this opportunity to share with the people of Chongqing a glimpse of how Australians have understood southwest China over the last 120 years.

我感谢他们的努力,这让我们有机会与重庆人民一起 了解 澳大利亚人 在过去120年中 如何 理解 中国西南地区。



Thank you.
